Monday, March 16, 2009

strange guest and strange non-guest

Began working on "TROPICAL DEPRESSION" in earnest today.  Most of the scratch tracks are done and it's time to begin the process of layering on the instruments.  Did scratch guitar and vocal for "Heroes".  I like that big jangley "Can't explain" guitar tone.  Nothing like spankin a silvertone  U1 through a BLAZE LIGHTNING (think clean top boost AC15).  One of the best purchases i ever made for recording guitar was the RADIAL JDX.  No phase problems, just pure unadulterated tone.   
John is back this evening recording Griffin Andrews, I guess thats kind of like andy griffith in reverse. HA HA. 
Jeff Merkling coming over tonight to work up some live songs to play.  I am going to do some Hank Williams.  I'm on a Hank kick.  Gonna try Lost Highway and Your cheatin' heart.  Songs my dad used to sing when i was young.  Man my dad could play his ass off and boy could he sing.  Ah what memories. 
 Also someone or thing has been eating the fish from our pond.  We have tried all sorts of barriers, nets chicken wire.  They keep disappearing.  Could this little green man be the culprit? Stay tuned, Marc

1 comment:

  1. Proof that you never know who will drop by at Elegbaland. You always have the coolest guests.
