Thursday, March 26, 2009

tropical sessions

Had a great night recording with BLACKFINGER tuesday. Finally got great bass and drum tracks for "circling the drain" and "heroes". Jesse played his ass off on the drums. Clocking in at 156 bpm, "heroes" put a wicked sweat stain on his clothes. Greg did an unbelievable GE Smith impression running the rythym section through its paces.
Our piano went a hair flat, last week, so we called CHAFIN MUSIC and had Jeff come over and tune both elegbaland pianos. The studio's upright sound real nice again. Funny how a few months can wreak havoc on a piano.
Going to do a promo for SUNFEST with Griffin Anthony here at eland for channel 5. Should prove interesting. His new songs sound real different from the usual elegbaland fare. John always brings out the best in an artist.
John got the best bass tone i've heard yet last night in a magical moment with Dan Bonebrake. We are so lucky to have such top tier talent around here.
Going to do scratch vocals tonite for the songs I mentioned earlier so we can layer on the guitars. I am so ready to play electric guitar again. Haven't done much lately, what with all the other guitar slingers around here.
Don't miss Blackfinger's video shoot at the Lake Worth Gay Pride parade this Sunday at 11:30 am. Wear your most outrageous clothes and help the boys out. Follow up shooting will be done to follow at GSTAR (they did the RADIOHEAD video there). All freaks please attend. They already have a bunny, some drag queens and more.
I also want to thank God for my Muse. What did I do to deserve such divine inspiration?
Till later, keep the tape rollin. Marc
Also Nik send me an e-mail address and I will send you a copy of the song I told you about.

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