It's been raining for 8 hours. Not a drizzle mind you, this is a deluge. The lightning and thunder are spectacular. The power goes out every 15 minutes. Dark as night it is. I put a portable recorder outside and captured some of the thunder. Great big booms and cracks that light up the sky. Very apocryphal.
John came over and dropped off our new crown condenser mic. I think after the rain i'll try it on guitar. Speaking of guitar, the sessions with John Storch the other night were epic. I truly believe I got the best acoustic sound I have ever gotten. Johns playing is so liquid and the mic and pre choice really provided the perfect companion for achieving the consumate tone. I can honestly say what is on tape sounds exactly lie what we heard in the room. The way it sits in the mix is beyond words. This session is definitely worth of a reference CD label.
John and his "invisible" band are playing in Orlando tonight. Can't remember where though. I know they will smoke because Greg is bringin' the heat.
Today's pix are: my little friend "mommy squirrel", she eats right out of my hand; our studio logo "two cats that dig music; and Oya the sitar playing cat (and Elegba's brother). Notice the Neil Young behind him playing his Grestch White Falcon.
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