Well we did it. John and I pulled the trigger on a new RETRO176 and an ARSENAL AUDIO EQ. I can't friggin wait. Is it good. All the Tom Petty, Lindsey Buckingham, Johnny Cash, Flea, and Sheryl Crow shit was done using one. Are they any good? I find myself looking down the street for the delivery guy now. Jeff Chafin's session should be the first one to use it. He's one lucky bas&$@*%. I also got my new mic locker this afternoon. Two thousand dollars worth of fine cold steel. It's awesome. Weighs a ton. Hopefully my new EV10 will arrive to its fine new home on wheels soon.
Gonna record those Storch boys tonight. I believe it's Johns' turn. His guitar playing always gives me, as Ry Cooder would say, chickin skin. He can wiggle a note around with the best of em. Saturday Greg and I are back to the Prine sessions and then sunday it's Andy for the guitar on my songs. If the stars all align right maybe this time it will really happen. I'm starting to get a little antsy to get things moving.
Today's pix are the guys who wrote and performed the "ode to Elegbaland". Greg lovell and Jesse Dalton (owner of the best name in rock and roll) I chose the pics of them on the big screen ten feet tall because to me that's what they are, larger than life. Thanks guys. Till later, Marc
P.S., I promise to catch up with all those I've been neglecting soon. You know who you are!
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